CM13 Launcher is a well polished, highly customizable Lollipop + Android M style Launcher;
CM13 Launcher is Fast, Cool, Powerful, bring you the latest Android 5.0 Lollipop and Android M(Android 6.0) launcher experience!
★ CM13 Launcher Main Features:
- CM13 Launcher is developed base on the latest CyanogenMod 13 Launcher, support for Android 4.2+ devices
- Show/Hide Searchbar
- Scroll effect in home screen
- Scroll effect in app drawer
- Show/hide icon labels
- Enable/Disable scroll wallpaper
- Change Gridsize
- Set home screen
- Lollipop open drawer animation
- And many mores
This app uses the Device Administrator permission
force-lock is used to screen off device when double tap on the home screen.
CM13 Launcher是一款经过精心打磨,高度可定制的Lollipop + Android M风格的启动器;
CM13 Launcher快速,酷炫,功能强大,为您带来最新的Android 5.0 Lollipop和Android M(Android 6.0)启动器体验!
- CM13 Launcher基于最新的CyanogenMod 13 Launcher开发,支持Android 4.2+设备
- 显示/隐藏搜索栏
- 主屏幕中的滚动效果
- 应用程序抽屉中的滚动效果
- 显示/隐藏图标标签
- 启用/禁用滚动壁纸
- 改变Gridsize
- 设置主屏幕
- 棒棒糖打开抽屉动画
- 还有很多